Sunday, December 7, 2008

When i went fishing

When i went to fish in the fishpond of aunt Chette, I just asked her to come with me so i can go safely there.

We stayed there til the middle of the afternoon. First, i get my rod then i said to the camera "do you want to fish too?" When I was with my Mom and my fishing rod, she first get one worm and put it on my two hooks then she taught me how to catch a fish.

Suddenly when mommy was telling me to wipe my head then a fish came to eat the worm on the hook, mommy told me to pull it up and it was a big fish.

I was surprised. I was very surprised. When i wanted to seat, I sat, but the water was too far away from my fishing rod, that's why i just go and stand back to the post and suddenly a fish came again, and it was a kid fish,

that's why Mom put it in the fish net so the fish could stay alive. and suddenly (again) aunt Chette caught a baby fish but she just let it go and put it in the pond again. I checked all of the fishtails that they have. When i was last to eat lunch I just found out that all of my aunts were fishing too

and my Aunt Cath caught a fish it was going to have a baby fish, cause a fish was going out of her tummy. Now I got 7 fish.

Before I ate, I caught 3 big fishes and another 1 small fish and then i got 3 kid fishes.

1 comment:

skye said...

Icen wala kayo kaya wag na fishing.